Sampling for Particulate Bulk Processes – That's easy, isn't it ?

scoupRepresentative and accurate sampling is important in all process industries where a bulk product is sold and final performance is linked to specific physical and/or chemical properties.  Inaccurate sampling can have a major impact on bottom line profit linked to customer disputes on quality. When a mining company sells precious metal ores to a refining company, agreeing on the true amount of gold in a particular shipment is extremely profit related. Or when a washing powder is used in the home, a lower than designed level of bleach would lead to dissatisfaction and possible complaints or lack of repurchase which is also ultimately impacting bottom line profit.thief

How to sample ? The fundamental principle is simple, “every particle must have an equal probability of being sampled“. Simple theory but Model_GRESsurprisingly difficult to implement in practice. Particularly in bulk flows at many tons/hr. There are many examples of badly designed auto samplers and manual sampling practices. The application of the correct principles of sampling to bulk industrial processes is a complex subject. The inclined chute sampler illustrated left is an example of a correctly designed in line sampler.

Want to know more about industrial sampling ? David J Smith (Director, DJS Process Consulting Ltd.) is presenting at the University of Leeds on 10th May. See below link for full details of content and how to attend – University of Leeds – Powder Characterisation Training


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