Increasing Revenue vs Saving Money

Automation is an interesting word. Never was it so obvious to me than over the recent Christmas/New Year break.

Benefiting Businesses and Employees
Having recently joined DJS to lead a new direction into automation for process engineering, there was a lot of discussion with friends and family on the topic over the break. I quickly realised that for almost everyone there is a negative connotation with automation to do with job loss. While it is up to the business, to choose how they capitalise on automation implemented by us at DJS, it is clear to me that in almost all cases, the optimal method is to utilise the new found time to increase revenue. In this post, I’m going to put forward the case for how automation benefits business and employees alike.




Eliminating Re-Work to Increase Employee Value
Automating process engineering work directly increases the value engineers can generate for your business. Typically 50% of a process engineers time is consumed by tasks to maintain stability in the plant – re-optimisations, data analysis, reporting, forecasting etc. For the business, this means 50% of the wage is accepted as an endless and unavoidable upkeep cost.

Investing in one-off projects to automate in this area gives rise to three key benefits:

  1. The minimum upkeep cost of the plant is reduced – this increases survivability of the processing plant
  1. The systems built go beyond human limits for reliability, consistency and programs never move to new roles/jobs – this improves process stability and makes disturbance identification much easier
  1. The time spent by engineers to generate value for the business essentially doubles – this increases revenue and morale as generally speaking, engineers prefer solving problems to re-calculating old problems


If you’re interested in increasing your revenue while lowering your minimum costs, see this presentation or contact us to discuss what we can do for you


Europe/North America – David Smith
+44 7769 705 979

Asia/Oceania – Joshua Koszo
+61 416 238 367

Thanks for reading,
Joshua Koszo
Senior Automation Specialist